" ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "......

Thursday, November 09, 2006

September's " ATTA BOYS "

Thank you for your strength and humor.
lumpy |   | 10.04.06 - 10:06 am | #

Keith - Your show makes me laugh and cheer out loud. May the powers that be never sensor your truth. Atta Boy!
nina |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 9:18 am | #

Thank you Keith from the bottom of my heart - you are the only reason I still have my TV. I watch TV only 2 hrs a day and that is Countdown, Daily Show and Colbert Report.
Keith, you are the only real jurnalist these days. I have to say I am worried about you and how long will they let you be you, on the other hand I know that you won't compromise your believes and that alone make me so proud of being your fan.
I myself came from Poland after fighting the system some 25-30 years ago - I know how it feels and I know the price.
Keep doing what you do, there are lots of people out there who wish you the best.
Marla |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 7:09 am | #

We don't watch TV at all -don't even have cable, but we always watch Olbermann's clips on the internet. Thank you. Thank you Mr. Olbermann.
Danielle |   | Email | 10.02.06 - 3:20 pm | #

Atta Boy, Keith! You really do give us hope - the support for your reality is huge! Thank you!
Worker's Comp Victim |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 4:22 pm | #

Keith, I was just not turning on the TV anymore to watch the news or talk shows until I started watching you (a refreshing alternative to all the rightwing trash and network drivel), so my wife and I are two completely new viewers that no other show lost. You say it like it is, and it is all so deja vu since I was 19 when the Viet Nam war began. The GOP needs to read some history to see how futile their hegemonic quest is - Napoleon, Hitler, etc. all failed to dominate the world. Casteles made of sand ... Keith, you are fantastic! Keep it up and we will watch!
peter greenough |   | 10.09.06 - 3:29 pm | #

Thank you Keith!

You were fabulous during the 2004 Stolen Election blow-by-blow and you are fabulous now.

Keep us posted how to watch your back.
Pat G |   | Email | 10.09.06 - 12:41 pm | #

Thank you Keith!

As a Canadian, watching our American friends and cousins these last 5 years, 11 months has been incredibly painful. Until recently the only way to make news tolerable has been to filter it through The Daily Show and The Colbert Report - oh, and "liberal" doses of the 'blog, Crooks and Liars.

Then came your August 30th Special Comment - and most everything since.

Keith, since that day i have had nothing but respect for you and your words. That you are saying, articulately and without the guise of satire or parody, what so desperately needs to be heard is both heroic and patriotic in the truest senses.

It grieves me deeply that you should come under any threat for speaking truth. Your country began with the voicing such truths in the face of the madness of another George who would be king of America. The cowards who would silence you are beneath contempt and should be brought to justice.

I beg you Keith, never lose your Voice out of Fear. Your work and words are far, far too important for America (indeed, the world) to lose now. 

May God bless you and yours.

Lawrence Z.
Lawrence |   | 10.09.06 - 11:55 am | #

Thank goodness for Olbermann!! The ONLY voice in MSM speaking for all of us. May your voice continue on..and on..for many years.
Nancy Eckroad-Haney |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 12:48 pm | #

Like everyone else who took the time to write something on this blog, I too am grateful to have someone like Olbermann on the air as a counter balance to the overwhelming number of right wing biased talking heads on TV. Even though NBC is owned by GE, a megacorporation, it is still a publically traded megacorpoation. If the number of viewers for Keith are better than the competition, then NBC is making more money on advertising for their shareholders. That's the whole point of commercial TV. If NBC were to pull "Countdown" for political reasons then they are truly stupid people. When you look at where NBC is postioned against their competition in the ratings on broadcast TV they ain't doing so good. If they have a hit on cable then I would hope they would leave it alone and let it make more money for them.
ericinbow |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 10:56 am | #

Keith, It is great to hear someone with the linguistics to speak with the commentary you did. The content of which contains, I believe, what most Americans feel. I certainly pray for you to continue safely.
Shirley |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 9:48 am | #

Keith's is the only MSM news program I can watch without doubting everything that's reported, and his commentaries are huge "YOPs" on behalf of all who value the truth and the courage to speak it. Stay the course! You give us truth, and hope.
deb |   | Email | Homepage | 10.04.06 - 9:18 am | #

We too stopped watching PBS and changed to Countdown several years ago. I got tired of PBS allowing the administration and its appologists to parrot talking points endlessly unchallenged, and treating the ever increasing evidence that Iraq was a mistake, as if it was uncertain, and completely debateable. KO don't stand for that bull. Comparrisons to Edward R. Murrow are not misplaced. 
Thank you Keith, and MSNBC. "Don't give up the fight."
Shirley |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 8:26 am | #

Thank you, Keith, for your brilliant, incisive commentary and wonderful sense of humor. In today's media environment, you are definitely the rose among many thorns!
Daniel Casselberry |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 6:55 am | #

Thank you for speaking the truth and for having the eloquence to say it in such a remarkable way.
Melissa Foerschler |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 4:33 am | #

Thanks, Keith. I used to be a loyal CBS News viewer. I tried Katie for a week: never again. [I have liked the occasional Bob Schieffer comment, but Rush needs an additional "outlet" for his trash? C'mon.] You are now my source for news.

Please devote a bit of attention to the once-great Washington Post. They have gone so far to the right that their headline for the NIE leak was "report released" -- nothing about the content. When you've tired of jabbing the NY Post, move on to DC.

And you can talk sports any time as well.
Mauimom |   | Email | 09.30.06 - 10:35 am | #

Thank you Keith! You are my hero - you give voice to the millions of us out here trying to be heard and MSNBC for broadcasting you! Keep safe, my man and keep spreading truth and hope!
Worker's Comp Victim |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 4:30 pm | #

Thanks Keith Olbermann,,
Brilliant,eloquant,sorry about the spelling,but words fail me. You have touched a chord of the heart strings of the true American soul. 
An old song/poem comes to mind--Desiderada [I think it was] --"You are a child of the universe,no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here",,---and it goes on beautifally-- " the universe is unfolding as it should" . 
Well my point is that you Keith Olbermann are an example of the 'universe unfolding'! I thank you, all aware people thank you for saying so beautifally,so awesomely that which we all tried to cogent.
We are here for you. 
I pray and I ask all others to pray
to create a sphere of protection around you that no mortal or evil may penetrate. I know this will be so.
Thanks from humankind
Dave Latoche
dave |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 3:05 am | #


YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR TO THE 100th POWER!!!! YOu have my heart until the end of time.
Donna A. Reuter |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 9:12 pm | #

Once again, thank you Keith Olbermann for making my life so much harder! Just think how much we will have to spend on ad buys with all this reality-based leftist stuff?!? I mean Lord Voldemort didn't get his hands on the Philosopher's Stone: we're not printing money here!

So thank you Keith Olbermann for making the Cheney/Voldemort 2008 Campiagn's Mascot Baby Jesus cry!!!

(Now, do you have a job for an ex-campaign manager?)
Cheney/Voldemort 2008 Campaign |   | Email | Homepage | 09.28.06 - 7:23 pm | #

Thankyou Keith. For being the perfect mix of humor and seriousness, wit and bravery. Thankyou for being the ONLY newscaster I find worth watching.
Christa Ansbergs |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 6:50 pm | #

The cowardly white powder incident proves that you are doing the right thing, sir. Keep your knees loose and keep on afflicting the comfortable.
Buttermilk Sky |   | Email | Homepage | 09.28.06 - 4:54 pm | #

Thank you Keith, you are, sadly, a dying breed.
Major Mel Funkshun |   | 09.28.06 - 1:46 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for speaking truth to power. It sometimes seems that your voice is alone, crying out in the wilderness for justice and reason, but please know that the MAJORITY of the citizens of this country still believe in the Constitution, truth, justice, freedom and liberty.

Keep on speaking the truth.
Thank you.
CW |   | 09.28.06 - 1:24 pm | #

Thank you, Mr. Olbermann. Edward R. Murrow would be so proud to know that you are carrying on in the tradition of TELLING THE TRUTH. Your articulation and eloquence are unmatched. I hurry home every night to catch you, and thankfully I can see you at midnight if I miss you at 8 pm. You, sir, are a gentleman and a hero. AND glibly funny, too. WE LOVE YOU KEITH! YOU ROCK!!! Our deepest gratitude goes to you.
Susan |   | 09.28.06 - 12:47 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, from the bottom of my heart. Listening to you is a reminder of the power of a free press, when the press bothers to exert the will to be free.
shargash |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 12:09 pm | #

The blast on the NY Post was good last night also. Thanks, K.O. Keep up the good work. In times like these we need leaders to step forward throughout all of our democracy, not only in politics. 

A free Press is a vital portion of what keeps us free as a nation, a role the Press has largely abdicated. Your actions give hope that it will take it up again.
John Savage |   | 09.28.06 - 10:58 am | #

You give hope to real Americans. Protect yourself.
myyamma |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 10:57 am | #

Have listened and watched Keith since he started----a great man that is speaking truth and he deserves all the praise we can give him.At last somebody that is not afraid of King George and his thugs.
Hilma Towell |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 10:33 am | #

Keith - I am so proud of your incredible reporting. Yours is the only news show I watch. All the other news is context-free, but you actually call Bu$hCo out for all their lies. 

Watching you destroy Condoleezza Rice was especially satisfying, as for some reason, she has escaped a lot of the consequences for her gross incompetence, arrogance and stupidity thus far. Lest we all forget, she was National Security Advisor before 9/11! Heckuva job, Condi! (Where's HER medal of freedomTM, I wonder?

In any case, stay safe...and I'd stay in an undisclosed, Cheney-like bunker until November 8, 2006 if I were you.
madamab |   | 09.28.06 - 9:24 am | #

Thank you, Mr. Olbermann. You've helped me hang on to some hope that we can get through this terrible period in American history.

Let it get better soon.

You're an American hero.
dasher |   | 09.28.06 - 9:08 am | #

I stopped watching television news, even PBS' The Newshour a long time ago. Saw Olbermann at a friend's house one evening. Now it's must see TV for my household. 
In fact, it's only see TV. The only time the TV is on is at 8 PM, to watch Keith. 

I have enjoyed Keith's "Special Comments," but the timeline of Bush's inaction before 9/11 was in a category by itself.
It reminded me of...gasp...real reporting.
clio |   | 09.28.06 - 8:07 am | #

Thank you, Keith Olberman. You, sir, are a great American. I salute you.
C Haas |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 7:48 am | #

Smell the irony. Smells like laundry soap!

The Bedwetters are resorting to terrorism to stop you from exposing the truth they are running from.

Stay safe.

Death defying, mutilated armies scatter the earth,
Crawling out of dirty holes, their morals, their morals disappear.

Yesterday a morning came, a smile upon your face.
Caesar's palace, morning glory, silly human, silly human race,
On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place,
If the summer change to winter, yours is no,
Yours is no disgrace.
maalox |   | Email | Homepage | 09.28.06 - 7:44 am | #

Keith, You make me proud to be an American, which doesn't come easy these days. Thanks for giving a voice to those of us who aren't being heard.
mm |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 7:37 am | #

Bravo-Zulu (BZ) Navy talk for Well Done Mr. Olbermann
Chief |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 7:36 am | #

Good for KO for keeping quiet about the incident, just as he was asked to do by the authorities.

Good for KO for shoving it right back in the NY Post's face when they chose not to comply.

Good for us that KO will continue to speak his mind, despite the actions of lunatics.

Atta Boy!

blueINdallas |   | 09.28.06 - 7:01 am | #

keep up the good work keith!
mr. waffles |   | 09.28.06 - 4:09 am | #

Just more of the same.
Olberman is probably the only MSM journalist to calm me from despair and violence.
I really just don't know if I can make it to November. At least Olberman gives me hope that AmeriKKKa will someday get off her crack-whorish knees to hold the torch of liberty high and proud again as a symbol of the only patriotism I have ever known.
I could use a dose of K.O. now.
Good night and luck has no place in politics or journalism...it is just childish superstition that is best left on ball fields and in gambling dens. Piece!
Jim Wright |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 4:02 am | #

Thank you, Keith.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. You are a true American patriot.
JT Davis |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 3:20 am | #

General Here's Yer ATTA BOY
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.28.06 - 3:18 am | #

Hooray for Keith!!!
BlakNo1 |   | 09.28.06 - 2:15 am | #

Thanks KO

and Colorado Bob, remind me the next time Keith does a special comment and I'll link to you. I've already added you to my wat too large blogroll.
patriotboy |   | Email | Homepage | 09.28.06 - 2:14 am | #

Thanks I hope we see more of this in the near future. I know you put a lot on the line to come out with this but thanks
c.c.jeffreys |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 1:18 am | #

Thank God for Keith Olbermann ! Keep kicking their asses buddy ! America needs more like you ! If we only had more real journalists such as yourself , with the courage and conviction to stand up and tell the truth , the world would be a much safer place . Thank you very much !

If those fascist bastards ever attack you , rest assured , we've got your back . After all , you don't particularly need MSNBC , but they sure as heck need you . Screw GE ! GIVE 'EM HELL !!!

Doug Lemacks
Doug Lemacks |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 8:31 am | #

Thank you Keith. I watch you all the time -- the best show on MSNBC -- hear that Dan. 

Please be sure to go public if they ever start to press you so that there can be a public outcry from your legion of fans.
George W. Rumscroft |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 1:47 am | #

Oh my God - how come I have not seen your show before!? It is such a relief to hear someone who actually makes sense and speaks the truth! Trust me, I will watch your show every evening from now on, Keith! Please please please keep up the good work - we need you desperately!
Cecilie Tindlund |   | Email | 10.01.06 - 7:44 pm | #

I thank you for your bravery to speak the truth. I thank you for exercising your Constitutional rights. I think history will remember you as a brave journalist and a true patriot!
madgranny |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 2:15 pm | #

Keith, you are the best! Every day I send thank yous to dabrams@msnbc.com, viewerservices@msnbc.com, countdown@msnbc.com and of course, I big hug to you at KOlbermann@msnbc.com.

Oh, I buy your books, buy the boks of your guests, thank your sponsors and recommend your shows to my friends.

Go, man, GO!!!!!
InquisitiveRaven |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 7:09 am | #

Keith is my hero! I watch his show every night. When his show begins I feel a sense of relief...like finally I will hear some truth in the news now. He is the most remarkable man of courage in the news who actually stands up for what he believes in. The rest pale in comparison. I admire him more than any one in this country. It shows how low this country has sunk to see what happened to him with his mail and the subsequent "murdock" smear job. These scum consider themselves moral?
Nancy |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 3:25 am | #

Thank you for speaking the truth!
Maria |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 1:47 am | #

Can we clone you? We need more Journalists (and Patriots) like you! You are my new hero, Keith. Stay safe, please.
Betty Keller |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 1:22 am | #

Such a pleasure to hear truth spoken out loud in front of God and everybody.
Keep on with it, Keith.
Margot |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 12:42 am | #

I have rarely heard the unvarnished truth spoken with such crystal clear clarity. When it is time for Keith Olberman, the worl in my household comes to a standstill. He channels my thoughts and speaks my mind; however, he does it with more aplomb that I almost ever could. Three cheers and mega Kudos to the sage of New York.
John Amtsfield |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 11:35 pm | #

Bless you Mr. Olbermann. Please continue to speak the truth. Your country needs you.
Jan Chapman |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 6:55 pm | #

Thank God for Keith Olbermann ! Keep kicking their asses buddy ! America needs more like you ! If we only had more real journalists such as yourself , with the courage and conviction to stand up and tell the truth , the world would be a much safer place . Thank you very much !

If those fascist bastards ever attack you , rest assured , we've got your back . After all , you don't particularly need MSNBC , but they sure as heck need you . Screw GE ! GIVE 'EM HELL !!!

Doug Lemacks
Doug Lemacks |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 8:31 am | #

Thank you Keith. I watch you all the time -- the best show on MSNBC -- hear that Dan. 

Please be sure to go public if they ever start to press you so that there can be a public outcry from your legion of fans.
George W. Rumscroft |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 1:47 am | #

Oh my God - how come I have not seen your show before!? It is such a relief to hear someone who actually makes sense and speaks the truth! Trust me, I will watch your show every evening from now on, Keith! Please please please keep up the good work - we need you desperately!
Cecilie Tindlund |   | Email | 10.01.06 - 7:44 pm | #

I thank you for your bravery to speak the truth. I thank you for exercising your Constitutional rights. I think history will remember you as a brave journalist and a true patriot!
madgranny |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 2:15 pm | #

Keith, you are the best! Every day I send thank yous to dabrams@msnbc.com, viewerservices@msnbc.com, countdown@msnbc.com and of course, I big hug to you at KOlbermann@msnbc.com.

Oh, I buy your books, buy the boks of your guests, thank your sponsors and recommend your shows to my friends.

Go, man, GO!!!!!
InquisitiveRaven |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 7:09 am | #

Keith is my hero! I watch his show every night. When his show begins I feel a sense of relief...like finally I will hear some truth in the news now. He is the most remarkable man of courage in the news who actually stands up for what he believes in. The rest pale in comparison. I admire him more than any one in this country. It shows how low this country has sunk to see what happened to him with his mail and the subsequent "murdock" smear job. These scum consider themselves moral?
Nancy |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 3:25 am | #

Thank you for speaking the truth!
Maria |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 1:47 am | #

Can we clone you? We need more Journalists (and Patriots) like you! You are my new hero, Keith. Stay safe, please.
Betty Keller |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 1:22 am | #

Such a pleasure to hear truth spoken out loud in front of God and everybody.
Keep on with it, Keith.
Margot |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 12:42 am | #

I have rarely heard the unvarnished truth spoken with such crystal clear clarity. When it is time for Keith Olberman, the worl in my household comes to a standstill. He channels my thoughts and speaks my mind; however, he does it with more aplomb that I almost ever could. Three cheers and mega Kudos to the sage of New York.
John Amtsfield |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 11:35 pm | #

Bless you Mr. Olbermann. Please continue to speak the truth. Your country needs you.
Jan Chapman |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 6:55 pm | #

Thank You KO for all you do! The eloquence of your words ring of truth and hope.
jlynwin |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 8:28 am | #

We all owe thanks to K.O. for standing up to the endless lies and hypocrisy of the Republican war machine. He has my profound gratitude and respect.
A.L. |   | Email | 09.29.06 - 5:51 pm | #

Thanks so much, Keith. Watch your back.
latiffanytheflyingbaboon |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 11:34 am | #

Keith is right on target. Keep the Bush administration on the hot seat. Truth is powerful
TJ Hawk |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 8:32 am | #

Thanks Keith, a lot, frin Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Quentin |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 3:43 am | #

You are saying what needs to be said and with the eloquence that brings absolute silence in my household until you have finished speaking. I always, always wish I said what you say as you speak my mind, my heart and my hopes and dreams. Keep up the eloquence. You are much in need. You speak for the good of America and for what we have always strived to stand up for. My wife and I extend a heartfelt Thank you! God Bless You!
John Amtsfield |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 11:41 pm | #

Thank You Keith for having the courage to speak the truth about this administration. I wish every American could see this and really listen to your words and finally realize how corrupt and power hungry this administration is. Mr Bush has in fact gotten a free pass,...hopefully it stops here. Thank you for being our truthful voice
Keith |   | 09.27.06 - 4:21 am | #

Roger that, Keith.
Chiefley |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 11:19 pm | #

America owes KO a debt it may never be able to pay, you stood tall while others were silent, thanks Keith.
Paul |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 9:21 pm | #

Keith - thanks for being a light in the darkness of MSM crap. If I weren't married, I'd throw myself at your feet...Journalistic integrity is so sexy! Thank you for being a voice for those of us who have been voiceless thanks to the Constitution-shredding imbeciles in the White House.
seefleur |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 9:14 pm | #

Thank you for this site.!
Norman Clark |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 5:19 pm | #

Once again, Keith Olbermann has done a great job of giving a voice to those who believe that journalistic and political integrity are slipping. Maybe they always have been. Anyway, keep speaking the truth, and I'll keep watching. 

Every time I watch one of those special comments, I just smile. These subjects are not funny or light-hearted at all, but I am just ecstatic that someone else feels the way I do-frustrated yet hopeful for the future. I'm hopeful for another time where BS is not peddled as truth on a regular basis.

KO gives that hope! Thanks!
Berny |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 2:52 pm | #

I want to commend Keith Olbermann for his courage and incredible writing. I was STUNNED by his eloquent and passionate commentary last night. You said what's needed saying for 5 years now.

God bless you, Keith!
CL |   | 09.26.06 - 1:59 pm | #

I've watched this clip several times now. I watched it before I watched the rest of Countdown. It is stunning in its power, it's stunning in its eloquence. I'm feeling a strange sensation.

I feel hope. 

Thank you Keith, and Bravo!
TOhioliberal |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 12:53 pm | #


Thanks again for speaking eloquently, and for giving me hope.
ToledoNative |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 12:48 pm | #

Good job, Keith~Give em hell!!!
Thelma |   | 09.26.06 - 10:43 am | #

Thanks, Keith keep the up the good work.
dodge5165 |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 9:20 am | #

Keep speaking the truth with this simple eloquence. Thank you!
Dar Nirron |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 9:16 am | #

Thanks Keith, and keep up the good work.
PamMc |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 8:51 am | #

I've thanked Keith and MSNBC for his previous broadcasts, and all future broadcasts. He's our only national TV person to tell the truth and lay the blame. Let's hope he doesn't have an "accident."
catsmeow |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 8:02 am | #

Thanks, Keith. Your 9/25 commentary is right on the mark.
pogo |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 7:35 am | #

"You have to keep your knee on [Bush's] windpipe until the danger is past." -- Garry Trudeau
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.26.06 - 7:25 am | #

Thank's Kieth! Keep up the good work. Please don't go away, you seem to be the only one with any guts these days.
Vince |   | Email | 10.04.06 - 9:12 am | #

Thank You Keith Olbermann! I just wanted to say thank you again for your courage and eloquence in your Special Comments that you have made on your shows about President Bush and the Rose Garden nees conference of 9/15, the Fox News "sandbagging" of former President Clinton, and the definition of cowardice.

Keep speaking truth to power. It is long overdue and needs to spread to the four corners of the earth. You are doing a tremendous service to this country and to truth. I hope it spurs people to take action.

Thanks again,

Paul Roden
Yardley, PA
Paul Roden |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 5:37 am | #

Keep kicking ass, Keith!
Randy Lynn |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 3:39 am | #

Damn, Keith, you got on Bush and flogged him like a rented mule. Way to go! I kept yelling "exactly!" all the way through your oration. THANKS
wigwam |   | Email | 09.28.06 - 12:30 am | #

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Both this most recent addition, and your 9/11 broadcast brought tears to my eyes. It is ever more clear to me who the true patriots are.

Somebody needs to give Keith a freakin' medal! (Al Gore, perhaps?)
tomslick |   | 09.27.06 - 11:24 am | #

what would we do without you, Keith Olbermann? Big Thank You!!!
Joanne Kelly |   | Email | 09.27.06 - 10:28 am | #

KO, your commentary was truly inspirational, eloquent and overdue. We should all realize that THIS openness, this ability to question and ridicule our leaders is what makes the USA great--not the ability to flex unilaterally our bulging muscles . I cheered you on like a high school cheerleader on senior night.
SMST |   | 09.27.06 - 1:59 am | #

A true patriot, Keith. Thanks you!
Chiefley |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 11:37 pm | #

I cannot express how happy I was to hear Keith's comment. I want to thank him for his eloquent words. I only hope and pray that he does not have to pay the ultimate price for having the courage to voice his heartfelt opinion. I fear there will be pressure brought to bear. If so, progressives will lose a brave ally in KO. Keep up the good fight Keith!!!
AC |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 10:03 pm | #

There is so liitle, or no truth in today's media. KO is a beacon in that media. I watch when ever I can.
Compare what POTUS says and how he says it, to KO or BC. It is a pleasure to here coherent thoughts presented intelligently.
Tomas Piedra |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 2:11 pm | #

Thank you to Bill Clinton First, for being brave and for not backing down. 

Thank you to Keith for recognizing and acknowledging it. Thank you. Thank you. And keep it coming!

This country is so far off course it is beyond frightening. We should all be afraid of the propaganda machine, and we should all be afriad that so few people are shining a light on it. 

Thank God for brave, honest people who are willing to walk to the beat of their own drum.

KUDOS to the Clinton! Kudos to Keith!

Let's pray for more truth and more bravery! America is on line right now. The Constitution is on the line. Free speech is on the line. Our right to privacy in on the line. The Geneva Convention. The list goes on and on......
Kristin |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 12:53 pm | #

The Feuerborns OKC
The Feuerborns |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 11:30 am | #

My faith in the essential goodness of the American people has been confirmed!

First Stephen Colbert, now Keith! 

Just shows that the angry propagandists at Faux News can dish it out but sure can't take it!

Once the Democrats have control of both houses again, can we dare hope that they will reinstate "Equal Airtime for Rebuttal" legislation, to put dangerously corrosive influences like Fox News out of business once and for all?
Kevin in Canada |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 10:39 am | #

Thanks Keith for verbalizing what more and more Americans wish they could tell the President and Congress! First, President Clinton putting Fox in it's place just by rebutting lies with the powerful truth, and then you expounding on the truth about how this republican mafia that is in power is destroying America, with fact after fact! All in the span of a week- we are giddy! Maybe the democrats in Congress will respond to this new "speaking truth to power" spirit started by you, Stephen Colbert, President Clinton and others by passing emergency legislation to return to the paper ballot so our votes will count in Nov. Aaaahhh, just wishin'! Best speech ever, and thanks for giving America some hope!
Louise |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 9:29 am | #

Thank you once again, Keith! Your voice is being heard in the wilderness and your light is shining.
Colleen |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 7:22 am | #

Last night as Keith Olbermann spoke, millions of us stood in our living rooms shouting YES! Finally, someone has said out loud what so many of us have known for these six years. 

THANK YOU, Keith Olbermann!
Melissa V |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 7:14 am | #

Please! We need you to keep speaking up. Our country and our world has suffered so much since the election fruads of 2000-2004. 
You give us a little hope. THANKYOU!
Jaci |   | Email | Homepage | 09.26.06 - 7:13 am | #

Not only was Bill Clinton one of the few to note that Bush had some culpability in 9/11, Keith seems to be the only one to have focused on Clinton's message. 

The rest of the media seems to be focused on the intense emotion with which Bill Clinton spoke the truth, including that nitwit from Newsweek.

The fact that Americans were not outraged by Bush's failure on this issue long ago, only serves to prove that it was under-reported, if at all, with any clarity.

Next, I'd like to see Keith more directly take the MSM to task for their failure to report on the message. Actually, I'd like to see Helen Thomas & KO double-team 'em.

A big "atta boy" and thank you to Keith.

Anonymous |   | 09.26.06 - 6:59 am | #

Thank you Keith. You are definitely on a roll - please keep up the amazing work. You are one of the few people with a voice that can be heard that is saying what needs to be said. Your words are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Make7 |   | 09.26.06 - 6:44 am | #

WONDERFUL comment!

Has anyone thought of sending the transcript (or link to the video) to their local Democrat? Especially before the midterms...
mwm341 |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 2:33 am | #

President Clinton spoke the truth about Bush's inaction regarding bin Laden before 9/11, just as Keith Olbermann said, but Bill wasn't the first to point out those facts. 
I wrote a book about Bush's 9/11 failure, when he loitered around like a slacker on Oxy—then ran away like Cheney from a draft notice. 
And all of the warnings before the four attacks and the zero response from the Decider are documented—Bush did nothing.

Ron Schalow
Author of "Bull$#*! Artist - The 9/11 Leadership Myth"
Ron Schalow |   | Email | Homepage | 09.26.06 - 2:27 am | #

DEE FINLEY |   | Email | 10.02.06 - 9:41 pm | #

Thanks for the special comments. You may be a lone cable voice actually articulating the failings of this administration. Others criticize it, but you skewer it with facts.
pogo |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 7:39 am | #

Keith, Thanks very much for the Monday inspiration. Your show is great, and now rates as MUST-SEE tv on Monday. I am very distraught by the developments regarding the Geneva Conventions, and your Special Comment was truly uplifting. I hope more people in your capacity find their voices, and start speaking out against this terrible administration. Your courage and honesty are appreciated by this American!
Jon |   | Email | 09.26.06 - 12:20 am | #

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

Thank you again for your courage and for so accurately speaking the truth.
joy |   | Email | 09.25.06 - 11:06 pm | #

Thank you Keith for telling it like it is! Bush is a lier and a coward! Long live KO!
Buffalo Bob |   | 09.25.06 - 10:48 pm | #

Keith was once a sportscaster, but now he's a truthcaster. Thanks for all you've done Keith, and don't let up.
Mart |   | Email | 09.25.06 - 10:34 pm | #

Yet another wonderful special comment.

What a guy!
LuLu |   | Email | 09.25.06 - 9:54 pm | #

Thanks, KO!
Dr. of Truth |   | 09.25.06 - 9:36 pm | #

For a future post :

"You have to keep your knee on [Bush's] windpipe until the danger is past." -- Garry Trudeau
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.24.06 - 4:27 pm | #

Thank you, Mr. Olbermann,

You are the voice of conscience.
etrangere |   | 09.24.06 - 11:51 am | #

COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.23.06 - 2:50 pm | #

Deep thanks to Keith Olbermann for having the guts to tell the truth to the American people. 

We need to keep telling MSNBC how good he is in hopes they won't be tempted to suppress his ideas.

Not only is Keith living up to the courage of his hero, Edward R. Murrow, but he's in the running to be another Thomas Paine. We really need more like him.
Justina |   | Email | 09.22.06 - 7:05 pm | #

“…it defies belief”

Any half, of any half, of which would have been adequate for one night’s work

I’m writing “Unprecedented in the history of recorded media” , (well, maybe Martin Luther at Worms) as you go on and on; in trying to describe it’s impact to my wife, who’d been on the other channel, I got way up in her face, so, that she found it offensive

Just after, I’m writing: In the battle of reason versus human inertia, they’ve given up – no longer pretending to present a serious case
How are they hoping to spin/thin this: Weyrich’s version
If they can use this most hideous, sad latest outrage to spew their “version.moment” - their perceptions, not to mention their deceptions, are not to be trusted to guide our way
If only for the debate this can’t help but inspire – THANK YOU!

Good luck, indeed.
Bud Burwell
P.S. Beef up Security NOW.
Earle Burwell |   | Email | 10.05.06 - 11:13 pm | #

Keith is the one thing giving me Hope....when he says " Special Comment" my heart thumps harder and expectation builds...Thanks for putting together this Blog- what a great idea...and yes Keith is Our Murrow ( and Fred Friendly)...
enigma4ever |   | Email | Homepage | 09.22.06 - 5:04 pm | #

A million thanks for your powerful, eloquent, and persistent truth-telling...and for providing a crap-free zone on cable news.
SB Esq. |   | 09.22.06 - 2:59 pm | #

One lone voice in the wilderness is better than no voice. I was beginning to wonder how the entire media could be so silent when the country has gone completely to hell. Thank you Keith!
LoveOverGold |   | 09.20.06 - 12:42 pm | #

Thank you KO for so adroitly & poetically voicing the opinions of many here who do not have a platform.

You have my admiration & respect.
Diane C |   | 09.20.06 - 11:58 am | #

Keith Olbermann is our new "Murrow."
Just when I thought the media was bought and paid for propagandists or cowards, Olbermann stepped forward.
I now watch only Keith, C-SPAN, "The Daily Show," "The Colbert Report" and Link TV. CNN is good for breaking news only. In this failed democracy nightmare, Keith has provided a place of refuge.
Susan Jennaro |   | Email | 09.20.06 - 9:07 am | #

Thanks for the site CB - and I would be remiss if I didn't thank Keith Olbermann. He is oxygen! Thank you Keith!!
taters |   | Email | 09.20.06 - 8:24 am | #

Keith, you just inspire this family most every night and we plan our evening around Countdown. Could they put YOU in charge of MSNBC, please?
oakroyd |   | Email | 09.25.06 - 9:39 pm | #

Keith, you rock so hard!!!
el |   | 09.24.06 - 4:54 am | #

Thsnk you for your courage
debbie |   | 09.21.06 - 1:25 am | #

Thank you very much Keith Olberman. I do not know if you will ever see this message, but I think you are truly speaking truth in these dark times of spin, distortions, and lies.

Please keep up the great work.

RJR |   | Email | 09.19.06 - 6:36 pm | #

Thank you Kieth Olbermann! You make a patriot proud. Keep it going. We are here & we support you. You are our voice.

Love you.
Mary |   | Email | 09.25.06 - 10:02 pm | #

A clear, on-the-money voice in the wilderness...what a relief! Thank you Mr. Olbermann, you are a patriot!
cRedd |   | 09.19.06 - 8:24 am | #

Thanks a million Keith!!
Smilingl8y |   | 09.17.06 - 10:37 am | #

Go, Keith! And thanks, CO Bob, for putting up this site.
Chimera |   | Email | 09.17.06 - 12:06 am | #

Thanks, Keith. And please keep up the great work.

Mixter |   | Email | Homepage | 09.16.06 - 8:48 am | #


You have inspired me and touched my heart with your truth telling. Finally, someone has shined the light on this darkness that we have been living in.

Thank you!!!
Pat Heiman |   | Email | 09.17.06 - 1:39 pm | #

When I first heard Keith Olbermann make a commentary on TV (via the internet) I thought, this can't be real. Is America allowing someone to dis the repubs on mainstream television?

God Bless you Keith!
Shr Jie Wen |   | Email | 09.17.06 - 9:16 am | #

great site...and great idea...911 commentary is rocking people far and wide- over 800,000 hits at the website...so he reaired it tonight ( I have posted to my blog- like many others)..he is really beyond courage at this point- I know somewhere Fred Friendly and Ed Morrow are having a Scotch and a cigarette - toasting that someone finally said what needed to be said. I will send folks your way this weekend. 
( about trolls- throw them out - you have a nice site here- delete....just like a fine bar- sometimes idiots need to be shown where the door is 
enigma4ever |   | Email | Homepage | 09.16.06 - 1:54 am | #

This site is wonderful and long overdue. Thanks CBob for creating it.

KO is a fresh breeze in a sea of right-wing punditry.
sable |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 6:36 pm | #

My site my rules.
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.15.06 - 5:24 pm | #

Mr. Anon troll............

You have free speech..you just don't have it here. It's a big internet.
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.15.06 - 5:22 pm | #

Many thanks for the courage to speak against the Repugs...God bless!!!

Am here ~Aloha!!!
Thelma |   | 09.15.06 - 11:47 am | #

We need more Keith Olbermanns and fewer Bill O'Reillys. Keep kicking ass, Keith!

Robert Jung |   | Email | Homepage | 09.15.06 - 11:26 am | #

I want to have Keith Olbermann's babies.
Guinastasia |   | 09.15.06 - 11:03 am | #

Ever since seeing Good Night and Good Luck I've wondered who would emerge as our generations Edward R Murrow, and now I know. Thank you Mr Olbermann.
CH |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 9:41 am | #

It is about time someone spoke truth to power. I thank you for your fierce indignation on behalf of your fellow, thinking, Americans. This misadministration will be the ruination of this once great country if more don't speak out, and speak out as loudly and clearly as you. 
My entire family now watches you. I have sent your commentaries to all in my e-mail list and now most of them are watching you. 
God bless you and keep you safe.
Elizabeth White |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 7:57 am | #

Thank you for your courageous words about 9/11. It was refreshing to hear someone cut through the crap expressed everywhere else except Comedy Central. I sent the on line link to your comments to friends and relatives alike. Keep it up!
Linda Huff |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 7:22 am | #

Keith: Way to go!!! Keep it up. Great writing. Great delivery. Great presence. Great commentary.
Jeffrey Lindblad |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 7:01 am | #

Just saw this online for the first time. WOW WOW WOW WOW is all I can say. Right on and mo dat, please. Too bad none of the cowards in the Senate aren't putting together speeches like that one. The first Dem to do so will have a shot at the White House in 2008.
Rob McMillin |   | Email | Homepage | 09.15.06 - 1:53 am | #

Keith is a genuine news God.
He was a fantastic sports announcer
and now he's a terrific hard hitting,caring newsman.

Edward Murrow would be proud of you Keith.

Thanks for your true patriotism.

Robert Frost |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 1:09 am | #

Keith Olberman for President...or at least the Edward R. Murrow award for speaking the truth...attaboy, K-Man...keep up the good work!
Guy Caballero |   | 09.15.06 - 1:03 am | #

I certainly want to thank Keith for his astute and no BS commentary. The news stations need more of this honesty. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Annie |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 12:43 am | #

Thanks for your voice, and inspiration!
Al-R |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:21 pm | #

Keith, you are magnificant. Thank you for being America's voice.
Beverly Duffield |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:59 pm | #

Thank you for your honesty and courage! You give me hope for others in MSM to speak out!

Hoo Ami |   | 09.14.06 - 9:47 pm | #

Thank you, Mr Olbermann. You are my hero.
stimp |   | 09.14.06 - 9:32 pm | #

Keith Olberman For PRESIDENT!!!!!!

You should consider it for 2008.

Thank you.
statusquomustgo |   | 09.14.06 - 8:44 pm | #

Thank you Keith for your wisdom and honesty....millions of Americans are your staunch supporters because you tell the TRUTH.
Gappy |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 8:22 pm | #

From an Iraqi war vet, thank you!
Matt |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 7:44 pm | #

Thank you so much, Mr. Olbermann, for saying what so many of us believe.
star |   | 09.14.06 - 7:41 pm | #

Thank you Mr. Olbermann!
Ava |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 7:12 pm | #

He out-Murrowed Murrow. Seriously, I like his recent stuff is at a level of erudition higher than Murrow himself.
pawlr |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 6:01 pm | #

Glad your ratings are going up. You deserve it. The country needs someone like you.

Thanks for taking the plunge off the cliff for all of us!
LuLu |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:56 pm | #

Muchos Gracias!

You're doing a helluva job mate.
Scott |   | 09.14.06 - 5:55 pm | #

You have once again given me hope that there are still some honest and courageous journalists out there that are will to stand up and tell the truth. Thank you!
Dorothy |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 5:30 pm | #

Never miss you Keith, except when you're not on Thanks for being our voice in the media sea of lies and spins.
Denise |   | 09.14.06 - 5:28 pm | #

Thank you, Mr. Olberman
LaFajita |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:28 pm | #

A million thanks!
Colleen |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:15 pm | #

I would like to see a list of Countdown sponsors, so we can all go support those sponsors as well.

More/better sponsors = happier Keith 
dabloguiman |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 4:40 pm | #

The best work out there, thank you!
gunga dean |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:30 pm | #

thanks, keith.
seth f |   | 09.14.06 - 4:30 pm | #

We in the dogfaceboy household were impressed with your writing. It is poetry.

Oh, and I had just seen that same Twilight Zone episode this summer and had remarked about it being eerily real.

Good work.
dogfaceboy |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 4:13 pm | #

Thank You Keith. Will you marry me?
Marie K |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:11 pm | #

Thank you Keith - you are amazing and much needed! Don't stop now!
MaryJ |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:33 pm | #

Go forward with confidence, speaking sense. We won't hear it elsewhere, God knows.
BMW |   | 09.14.06 - 3:33 pm | #

I've watched you since your days on ESPN. Then on your first MSNBC News show "The BIG Show", and now, Countdown. Your criticism of Bush and the horrors of our time are refresing,honest, and are sincere. It's my impression that it's not done for ratings. For that, my friend, I must say thank you.

Thank you for using your platform for truth. Many of us want to say what you're saying, but just don't have the platform with which to say it.


66% of this country AGGREES WITH YOU!

Todd Harris |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:23 pm | #

Thank you Keith for speaking for us!
Orchid |   | 09.14.06 - 3:22 pm | #

We need Mr. Olberman, just as the 1950's needed Murrow to call out the red-baiters who were destroying what America stands for while wrapping themselves in the flag. The current administration is even more sanctimonious in it's use of the flag as a garment, and they have no respect for the Constitution. Mr. Olberman has been pointing that out and I want to offer my thanks for his efforts.
Make It Stop |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:12 pm | #

THank you Keith:

Thank you for speaking for those who have no voice.
Thank you for saying what so many of us are thinking.
Thank you for saying it with such elegance and eloquence.

And finally, Rock on Keith, Rock ON!
TOhioLiberal |   | 09.14.06 - 3:01 pm | #

Keith, you are making history. Time will show that you are one of the great commentatots of out time.
Matthew Miller |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:57 pm | #

Thank you Bob and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Keith. I couldn't listen to a single news show on radio or TV all day on 9/11 save one, yours. Thank you.
Joe in Wynnewood, PA |   | 09.14.06 - 2:54 pm | #

Thank you! You've spoken for so many people with your words to Bush...
Zhadi |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:50 pm | #

A million thanks to you, Keith, for bringing the truth to the American people with wit and eloquence!
J. Tallis |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:49 pm | #

Thanks, Keith - you're the only one with the GUTS to stand up and tell the Truth.
E.Brown |   | 09.14.06 - 2:45 pm | #

Colorado Bob, THANK YOU for doing this site! I'm sending it to the mailing lists I'm on -- over 125 people or so. I hope they all come by and visit.

And that tribute to Ann Richards is something else. I'd never heard that story before. George Bush,who'd never held elective office, beat her by allowing his operatives to run a massive whispering campaign against her ... she knew better than most what W and his henchmen were capable of doing. She was the best. I hope Larry King replays some of his interviews of her... she was always one of his best guests.
SusanUnPC |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 2:37 pm | #

Just another thanks.

It's been amazing to watch
imfunnytoo |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 2:19 pm | #

Thank you Keith. Your commentary should be required viewing by all the vacuous MSM news readers to remind them what the truth looks like.
Speedy |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:15 pm | #

Thank you Keith, there is a big hug for you,when the smoke clears. Until then rock on!
isobel |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:15 pm | #

If Robert Novak, Rush Limbaugh, and Tony Snow are upset, you must be doing something right. And you are. Thank you for your poignant writing.

Can you get my cable company to move you from opposite John Stewart?
AndreaC |   | 09.14.06 - 2:15 pm | #

Olbermann, you got gigantic brass cojones! You ARE the man! Thanks for telling it like it definitely needs to be told. Please keep it up, your straight talk is giving hope to millions of Americans. Thanks again.
Mike |   | 09.14.06 - 2:14 pm | #

At last, someone with a public platform uses it to tell the truth. It is about time!
ollie |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 1:50 pm | #

Mr. Olbermann:

At last a voice in the so-called "Mainstream Media" that says what a majority are thinking! Keep it up, sir! Tell the truth!
Nemo |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 1:41 pm | #

Mr. Olbermann,

You've talked/written of your attempts to avoid presumption while following in the giant footholes of Mr. Murrow. Worry not, Sir, you are doing just fine; very fine, indeed. Please continue for all our sakes, for the sake of our union based upon our constitution, for the sake of posterity that looks back to see who questioned these lunatic events, and for the sake of our children. Please sir, continue for the sake of our children.

God Bless you and keep you safe.

H. E. Miller
H. E. Miller |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 1:16 pm | #

My deep gratitude goes to you, KO!
You speak truth to power for all of us. Your place in history is assured.
D Mitchell |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:30 pm | #

Thanks Kieth for standing for TRUTH,
Mary Ann
Mary Ann |   | 09.14.06 - 12:08 pm | #

To:MSNBC/GE Executives

Keith Olberman is the only show on your network worth watching. Everyday he is an example of what the media should be doing. Question decisions made by elected officials, and inform the public.

The airwaves belong to the people, not corporate agendas.
1970cs |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:56 am | #

Keep it coming Keith- Democracy and America need you!
Sheila Cavanaugh-Dionne |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:24 am | #

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you.....
Importer |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:09 am | #

Mr. Obermann, you da man !!!
*ilbo |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:56 am | #

Thanks KO, you are a true voice in a wilderness of lies.
Patrick Hall |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:50 am | #

Honored, Sir.

And thanx.

thedeanpeople |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:06 am | #

a true patriot! 

Mr. Murrow would be proud to call you his successor!
Rosanne |   | Email | 09.21.06 - 5:02 pm | #

Hail to the Keith!!!
jmba |   | Email | 09.18.06 - 9:22 pm | #

Just when I'm thinking, "why don't I just shut the friggin' TV off and forget about it", there's Keith Olberman.

Thank you keith.
Mac |   | Email | 09.17.06 - 8:20 pm | #

Thru the internet your voice is heard in Europe. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Gaias-child |   | Email | 09.15.06 - 8:04 am | #

Thanks Keith! Murrow would be proud.
Stacy |   | 09.15.06 - 12:46 am | #

He's doing a great job and is a true hero.
Sanjiv |   | 09.14.06 - 11:29 pm | #

It is so good to be able to turn on the tv and hear reality. Please don't let them silence you!

Marty King
Marty King |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:44 pm | #

Thanks Keith! Keep sticking it to 'em!
Emily |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:24 pm | #

Thanks, Keith. Whatever they're paying you, it ain't enough!
Stu |   | 09.14.06 - 9:52 pm | #

Truth to power... Thy name is Keith Olberman.
Richterscale |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 9:49 pm | #

Thank you Keith for telling it like it is. I've been a fan since you and Dan Patrick were on Sportscenter together.
Allan |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 9:28 pm | #

Keith, what you said that night was half-poetry, half-criminal inditement. I stand in awe. Keep it coming!
Soldier Boy |   | 09.14.06 - 9:12 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for speaking the truth so eloquently.
Peggy Kass |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 8:46 pm | #

I saw Keith's two on-air Special Comments. The difference between K. Olbermann and A. Gonzales is this: Keith defends our Constitution eloquently and passionately, while Atty Gen'l Alberto Gonzales wouldn't recognize the Bill Of Rights if it bit him in the a##!
Mark Hinckley |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 8:43 pm | #

You're the best in the business Keith. I hope you can provide commentary on other MSNBC/NBC shows. Seems like all the other hosts cross-pollinate on each other's shows. Gotta get you more exposure, baby.
Theresa |   | 09.14.06 - 8:43 pm | #

Definitely an atta-boy! I'm here to tell you that even in Alabama, die-hard conservatives are fed up with Bush!! (His arrogance seems to be the font of all this umbrage.) Keith, we love you and support you all the way!
anneelizmary |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 8:02 pm | #

All the phony power, money power, "terror" power, may it all drown in right-wing talking points. The real power is in the truth, and no one speaks it more than KO!
Bill Gannon |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 7:58 pm | #

Amen, brother Keith! I worship at the Church of Countdown.
varla |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 7:46 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for speaking for us.
Lisa |   | 09.14.06 - 7:44 pm | #

Keith you rock!!!!!
On to the midterm we go.

8888 |   | 09.14.06 - 7:27 pm | #

Thanks so much Keith for saying what so many of us feel. You are a shinning beacon of truth and hope during these dark times. Keep the fire on them!
Tanya |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 7:08 pm | #

KO, you rock, man! Thanks for your courageous voice!!! (Oh, and don't get in any small planes for a while, please. We need you!)
Kiteinthewind |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 6:23 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for your honesty and courage, and please give lessons to the Democrats in Congress.
Terri |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 6:17 pm | #

As I sent in an email to Olbermann on the evening of the 11th..

Mr. Olbermann, thank you, thank you, for creating these words and delivering them so emphatically on this 5th anniversary of disaster. As I posted elsewhere tonight, if anything has the possibility of making me proud, or even just content, to be a U.S. citizen again, it's words like these and the spirit behind them. I don't think I'll ever forget the things you said when I think of the events of the last five years.
Daryl |   | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 6:15 pm | #

Thanks Keith, now if we could find a way to make you manditory watching to every voting person in America!!!
j berrios |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:54 pm | #

Thank you Keith for shining a bright light in the darkness! Best of luck, and watch out for those hee-lots.

And thank you Colorado Bob for this site, to which I will steer others.
prostratedragon |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 5:40 pm | #

Keith, I have fallen in love. I literally cried when I watched your 9/11 commentary. Tears of joy. You said the things that I wish I had the platform to say. I honestly feel this country is in the beginnings of a Revolution, and I would like to name you our leader. Thank you so much for not letting fear keep you from saying what you believe is wrong with our country.
Susan G |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:40 pm | #

Once AGAIN - Thank you, Keith. I hae been writing encouraging emails for months, now, and AM HAPPY to add one more!
Dorothy Castle |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:31 pm | #

Edward R. Murrow lives.

"Good night, and good luck." 
...and Godspeed

Keep on kickin' ass.

mk ultramaroon |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:10 pm | #

Keith, you are the BEST without a doubt! You have two sets! I thank you and my family thanks you!
lonestarnot |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 4:09 pm | #

THANK YOU, Mr. Obermann, thank you.
Tannen |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:53 pm | #

Keith, you're a national treasure. Keep up the good work, stay after the giant headed one, and rock on!
BobNorske |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:30 pm | #

Keep rockin', Keith!
patrick |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 3:23 pm | #

Great site, Colo Bob, I read about it on DKos. KO's the man.
alyosha |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 3:19 pm | #

I have written to KO and MSNBC but I will say it here too.

Keith has said in the last two weeks what Democrats need to be saying, LOUD AND CLEAR.

Maybe we should just send Keith to Congress.

Thanks Colorado Bob
aquarius2 |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 2:45 pm | #

Just wanted to say a quick thanks for speaking out and helping to expose this administration and those that support it for what they trully are. Keep up the good work.
Mike Lewis |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:44 pm | #

Shades of Murrow.Keith you are the best, you give me hope for America.
Colorado Bob excellent idea the nation owes a great big THANK YOU
Tim Adams |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:39 pm | #

You are a true American Hero: just what WE THE PEOPLE needed: brings to mind Murrow.Thank you for having the guts to speak up: 
CYN |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:34 pm | #


Keep up the clarity, it will be heard.
Hawk |   | 09.14.06 - 2:26 pm | #

We have been waiting along time for someone with Keith's bravery to speak the truth. Thanks Keith!
Lisa |   | 09.14.06 - 2:25 pm | #

Thank you, Keith. You are the person that this country has been needing!
M.K. |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:18 pm | #

I leave happy hour in order to catch him at home
gumboman |   | 09.14.06 - 2:14 pm | #

Our media needs more like you - Thanks
bob bilbrey |   | 09.14.06 - 2:13 pm | #

Thank you for having the courage to speak out against the tide of hogwash we get from the administration. You speak for many.
librarian |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 2:09 pm | #

Thank you, Keith. I sent an email praising your honesty to your bosses the other night.
joycamp, lovehandled |   | 09.14.06 - 2:03 pm | #

Thank you, Keith! I just wish more journalists had your honesty and intelligence.
Brooklyn Girl |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 1:52 pm | #

Keith is rapidly overtaking Jon Stewart as cable's voice of sanity -- Keith's show gives him more leverage to do real news.
Auros |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 1:50 pm | #

Thanks Keith. Yours is the only news show that I watch anymore. Keep up the good fight and "good night and good luck".
prairierose |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 1:13 pm | #

Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
James |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 12:35 pm | #

Truth and humor - thanks, Keith
tpres2000 |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:33 pm | #

Keith, our nation owes you a great debt.
John Casper |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:13 pm | #

Sir, I take my hat off to you. Thank you for for your words, and for the hope you give us that this dark time will one day soon be brought to an end.

The Rvd. |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:11 pm | #

Thank you, Keith Olberman.
David McMaster |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:02 pm | #

G.B. @ 11:01 a.m. 

Thanks for catching that one...It's the old head injury acting up..Which one I'm not sure.

COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.14.06 - 12:01 pm | #


Intellectually, I thought I was fully aware of how far we have gone down the path to totalitarianism, but hearing you speak the blunt words of truth to power I suddenly feared for you and because of that fear of possible repercussions I became aware on a visceral level of the danger this beloved Republic is in.

How long has it been since we have heard the truth spoken without personal calculation or political bowdlerization by someone with a national forum?

Thank you Keith, for an example of patriotic courage.
persiflage & piffle |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:51 am | #

Keith! The human watchtower! Thank you!
goodasgold |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:47 am | #

Keith, you rock. You're a true patriot, and hearing things like "reality" and "truth" coming out of my TV is strange and refreshing.
JoeW |   | 09.14.06 - 11:41 am | #

Thanks Keith! You're a true patriot.
Rich Denney |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:39 am | #

Thank you Keith - we all need you. I am amazed by your courage-PLEASE keep it up.
Vicki |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:36 am | #

Thank you, Keith. And for America's sake, never stop speaking truth to power.
LK |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:34 am | #


As others have said before me.....Thank You....Thank You.....Thank You.

Please do not allow your voice to become silenced.

Graham Brown
Graham Brown |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:28 am | #

Thank you, Keith. Keep up the good work.
Sianna Ziegler |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:27 am | #

I am proud to be an American because you have eloquently given voice to how I and millions of other Americans feel. You are truly the Murrow of our day and I am so proud of you and your courage to speak truth to power. Thank you so much for saying what so many of us all feel but have no platform from which to speak. I wish your special comments were broadcast for all the nation to see. With tears in my eyes and goosebumps on my skin I can not articulate how grateful I am for the work that you do. You are a fine, honorable, and patriotic man.
jmba |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:19 am | #

way to go, Keith!
Huh? |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 11:03 am | #

"tremendous pressure will be brought to bare on him.." 

Thanks for the great job, Bob. I wanted to send this privately but couldn't figure out how. I think you want "bear" in the above statement. Also, #replies is not updating.
Graybeard |   | 09.14.06 - 11:01 am | #

Amen. Thanks, Keith!!!!
Urban Pirate |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:58 am | #


You are the only show I watch on the "boob tube" in order to get actual news these days. Between you and the internets, I feel more informed than most of my friends and family.

Thank you for your courage, your integrity, and your desire for real and honest TRUTH. I wish we could clone you; but having you lead by example, I have faith that others in the "media" will begin to follow.

Keep up the fantastic work!
Shaking the Tree |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:55 am | #

Thanks, Keith. You and Lou Dobbs are the brave who bring us news that matters. I could use more of that and less of glamour hogs.
Graybeard |   | 09.14.06 - 10:53 am | #


I had my children watch your 9/11 address to the nation and I know that although much of it was over their heads, you have touched their souls and your message will stay with them for a lifetime. Thank you.
Florida Mom |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:48 am | #

Thanks, Keith!
Brent Sullivan |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:42 am | #

Keith is a patriot. Down with the Reich wing Fascists known as Bushco
zappa |   | 09.14.06 - 10:31 am | #

Keith, if the networks had any brains, you'd be sitting in that chair Katie Couric is pointlessly wearing out. As far as I'm concerned, you and Jon Stewart are worth more than Fox News and CNN combined!
Sara |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:30 am | #

Thanks Keith and continue to give those bastards hell! Maybe, just maybe, others will follow your lead and integrity and courage will once again mean something to American journalists! God bless you!
George |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 10:28 am | #

Thank you, Keith, for saying what needs to be said.
TheBlaz |   | 09.14.06 - 10:27 am | #

Truth to power! Thank you for being a voice of reason in times of treason.
Paul |   | 09.14.06 - 5:54 am | #

Thank you Keith for speaking so eloquently these past few days when the noise of retoric has been so loud.
Cris |   | 09.14.06 - 5:30 am | #

This blog reminds me of the website which came into existence after the 2004 election, where red-state Kerry voters posted photos of themselves holding apologetic signs.

If I could, I would post a photo of myself here, holding a sign that said simply, "I love you and Countdown, Keith. Never go away."
Dorrie |   | Email | 09.14.06 - 12:53 am | #


You are a Man after my Heart!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for saying the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeanine Bezinque |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 11:11 pm | #

Thank you Mr. Olbermann don't stop what you're doing.
CD |   | 09.13.06 - 11:00 pm | #

Keith should end all his great stuff with "Buckle up"
nogo postal |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 10:54 pm | #

Thank you Keith! You are by far, the best news anchor of my generation. You have no idea how much we value your honesty and backbone. If I wasnt married, I'd love to have your babies!
kelliebrat |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 10:19 pm | #

I still say KO for President!

tiptoe |   | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 9:31 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for doing the reprimanding that we can only pray congress will eventually undertake.
Dan in Minneapolis |   | 09.13.06 - 9:24 pm | #

KO is the white knight of storytelling for our day.

Maybe 'the people' will finally get it, thanks to him!
johnnyr |   | 09.13.06 - 9:21 pm | #

bravo, KO. you are a patriot and a gentleman.
OlbermannBuiltMyHotRod |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 8:56 pm | #

Mr. Olbermann, I cannot begin to tell you how I appreciate your words. I am old enough to remember when telling the simple, unvarnished truth was not considered a revolutionary thing to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please keep up the good work, and don't fly on any small planes... {taking off her tinfoil hat}
Marion in Savannah |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 8:38 pm | #

Oh Keith... My local cable does not carry MSNBC. So, just a few months ago I upgraded my C-band satellite receiver to digital and bought up a whole mess of programming JUST to get MSNBC so that I could watch your show. You have made it worth every penny and then some. Thank you for your courage and conviction. 

You're the best, sir.
Kelly Vann |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 8:32 pm | #

Thank you Keith for speaking the truth. Both of your "Special Comments" were right on time. I have copied your words and hand them out to everyone I come across. So far, everyone has been impressed, bar none.

Stand tall my friend, we're out here fighting for change on the ground; but you have the voice of the media. Keep up the good work! If just one house in Congress turns, we can stop the bush administration in its tracks and return this to a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.
rasputin1952 |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 8:30 pm | #

Hey Keith you are the butter to my bread
Please ... just keep on what you are doing.
? |   | 09.13.06 - 8:20 pm | #

You are a wordsmith extraordinaire!
Your sincerity and passion are a commanding presence. Kudos! Keep chipping away at these crooks and liars. Edward R. Murrow would be very proud!
Blue WI loves you, Keith.
Josie |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 8:14 pm | #

Because of Bush hi-jacking the networks for a political defense of his war, Keith was the only one speaking for me on 9/11 

Rock on Keith
the roser |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:56 pm | #

Thanks for speaking for us Keith you are very much appreciated. 
Lynne |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:37 pm | #

Your 2 cents was worth more money than the neo-criminals ever dreamed about stealing. You honor the memory of your profession and of your hero Mr. Murrow. How can we ever thank you for keeping our dreams for democracy alive?
Linda in Houston |   | 09.13.06 - 7:31 pm | #

How pitiful is it for integrity to be so rare and the courage to voice it even rarer? 

We have become a criminal nation of outlaws and cowards 'led' by a cabal of narcissists, autocrats, and fascists enabled by a complicit corporate media.

A shining exception: Keith Olbermann

How long before we again become "the land of the free and home of the brave"??

How much worse will it get before we regain a backbone and sense of honor to make it better, especially for those of us with the least?

How long before our only 'solution' is to rape, kill, and pillage under the cover of corporatism no matter what the problem?

God bless you, Keith!
TahitiNut |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 7:31 pm | #

Thank you for so eloquently speaking for us, at great risk to your job I am sure. You are a true newsman, commentator and patriot.
Katie |   | 09.13.06 - 7:22 pm | #

You're a breath of fresh air in a day where much of the media refuses to stand up against greater authority. Thanks, Keith.
Holly |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:21 pm | #

Like the twin towers in Jesse Jackson's hymietown, the twin dictatorships of Bush and Cheney shall be collapsed by the righteous. You are an inspiration to us all Keith.
Hakid at Hezbollah |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:19 pm | #

Thank you Keith, it was wonderful hearing so many of my thoughts stated with such eloquence.
Terry Ross, Maine |   | 09.13.06 - 7:15 pm | #

Keith, you are the genuine article. A true patriot. We salute you and appreciate your willingness to speak the truth. You do it so well! I hope we will all have the courage to speak up when we can be heard. By few and by many. This hateful Fascist-American administration must be exposed and called out repeatedly until all can hear through the fog. Why DO they hate America so much?
Dian Wilson |   | 09.13.06 - 7:14 pm | #

A big attaboy to you, KO. Your comments at Ground Zero gave voice to everything I've been feeling about this callous, shallow and incompetent administration. Kudos, Keith!
Greg in Asheville, NC |   | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 7:10 pm | #

What a mighty voice, what a powerful cry in this widerness, this godless desert! Whoo-boy, we just might make it! Thank you, you are righteous, indeed.
Kathryn in MA |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 7:09 pm | #

Keith, I fear for our country. Thank you for speaking out. You are THE man!
Bless you, Mr. Olbermann.
Rosemary in NJ |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:09 pm | #

Keep your head held high and your vaseline in reach!
Mike Malloy |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:08 pm | #

Keith, you're my hero! Thank you.
Ellen in Florida |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 7:00 pm | #

It is a relief to hear a voice that resonates with my heart and head! Thank you!
Paula Santi |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:58 pm | #

Thank you, thank you, thank you - Keith deserves a Medal of Freedom more than Tenet, Wolfowitz and the rest of the Lying Cabal ever will. They, along with Bush, Cheney, Rove, the GOP Senators and House of Representatives each deserve a trip to The Hague for crimes against humanity. A statue should be erected for Keith in DC on the Mall - so we can never forget how easy it is to lose a country when dealing with lying, thieving scoundals.

Stay out of small planes and hire a food taster but don't stop what you are doing. You are a true American. Thank you.
T. O'Krsa |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:53 pm | #

Truth to power. A concept that has been lost in modern journalism, save a few, like you, Keith.

Thanks for reminding those of us who know what America is supposed to be that we are not alone.
smartvoter |   | 09.13.06 - 6:50 pm | #

Don't ever stop...Here in my house, we love you! A voice of reason in all this chaos, thank you.
Stepheni |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:49 pm | #

I always watch you on tv and the other night I
was so proud of you I cried!!!!
You are a true american hero and please never stop putting the truth out there!!!
You are the only newsperson I watch and the rest arent worth my time.
Judy Grawey
Judy Grawey |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:49 pm | #

Keith you are the best news anchor on television (I think someone already said that).
Robert J. Zeman |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:48 pm | #


and by the way, THANK YOU !!!
Nikki |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 6:48 pm | #


dal |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 6:47 pm | #

Keith, it's a privilege flying with you.
Orinenglish |   | 09.13.06 - 6:27 pm | #

Thank you, Keith, for being the only sane voice in this crazy political media circus.
Becca |   | 09.13.06 - 5:48 pm | #

Thank you Keith for using your forum to show the world that America indeed does still have a soul, a conscience and a moral compass. It's just the skipper on duty who is deaf, blind and dumb.
benjamin |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 5:35 pm | #

I could never hope to be as eloquent as you are so Keith, thanks for havin' a pair. I only hope that others will find the courage to follow your lead.
Anonymous |   | 09.13.06 - 5:20 pm | #

Hu Keith,

Thank you for being brave enough to articulate your views on the direction of this country, or lack of it, in a way that speaks for millions of us. It's obvious you care deeply about this country. I feel you are trying to put a little common sense back into our politics and back into our lives. That is good for ALL concerned. Thanks for blasting through all the partisanship and being a voice for us who are now the majority! We're all with you!

Great thanks! Tony Huszar
Tony Huszar |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 4:37 pm | #

Keith, you are the man! Thank you for speaking the Truth.
Susan |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 4:36 pm | #

I am wadding up a piece of paper in your honor, Mr. Olbermann. 

Keith, keep your knees loose.
MadMustard |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 4:33 pm | #

Thank you for your patriotism. Too bad more media people don't have your courage
karen |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 4:25 pm | #

Thank you so much, Keith. You are our salvation. Continuing speaking the truth.
Keithite |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 4:20 pm | #

Keith, Thank you for speaking for the majority who can't be heard by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Jamie |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 3:51 pm | #

many thanks to Keith Olbermann and a breath of hope 
function over form 
truth over fiction
njr |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 3:41 pm | #

Thanks Keith. I've been hoping for someone like you. Keep it up!!
catinwaco |   | 09.13.06 - 3:33 pm | #

Atta boy Keith! Keep it coming...
rebellious renee |   | 09.13.06 - 3:32 pm | #

Thanks, Keith. More, more, more.
pogo |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 3:23 pm | #

Thank you Keith. 

Thanks C'bob for putting this up.
ToledoNative |   | 09.13.06 - 2:59 pm | #

Thanks Keith, you are the BEST!
Mary Jane |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 2:53 pm | #

Many thanks Keith, for the wonderful job you do.
Sheila |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 2:41 pm | #

Thanks Keith, don't let them muzzle you!
TeddySanFran |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 2:39 pm | #

Great thanks, Keith, great thanks!
Laura |   | Email | 09.13.06 - 2:24 pm | #

Make that good for Kieth.
COLORADO BOB |   | Email | Homepage | 09.13.06 - 12:51 pm | #

good for you , colorado bob!
Colleen |   | 09.13.06 - 12:02 pm | #