" ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "...... " ATTA BOY !! "......

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November's " ATTA BOYS "

Keith, I admire you beyond what I can say. I believe that you really were in danger, that you knew it, and you had the courage to stay the course against the neocon agenda. I believe you are equal with Murrow in your fight for freedom, and history will see it that way too. 
Atta boy, Keith.
Warmoreyears |   | Email | 11.11.06 - 5:51 pm | #

Thank you Keith for your consistent honesty and your wise observations exposing what the Bush Administration has been up to for the past 6 years. It will truly help get America back on track for the future. Iraq - Katrina - Murtha - Cindy Sheehan - Foley - Haggard - Rumsfeld - Cheney - Limbaugh - Macaca - Bush & your commentaries all played an important part in the new direction of this nation. Thank you! 

Lionel in New Orleans

Keith...I've written you a half a dozen "atta boys' already...but hey, a few thousand more can't hurt...you deserve it.


another one of your biggest fans
sallie wald
sallie wald |   | Email | 11.15.06 - 7:12 am | #

ATTA BOYY!!!! Mr. Olbermann, you are truly a hero in the Republican controlled media. THANK YOU ever so much. I catch your show as much as allowed. I watch you on the internet and just smile sooooooooo big. I'm so proud of you sir. It takes a lot of b...s to do what you did and you did it. You made the people that hate what's going on in our name very proud. Keep it up though. Govt. hasn't cleaned itself up by a long shot.
Sharon Minix |   | Email | 11.14.06 - 9:37 pm | #

Keith Olbermann is great, a source of inspiration. Now if only we can get MSNBC here in the Philippines...
desamir |   | 11.21.06 - 4:07 am | #

Thank you for speaking truth to power -don't ever stop!!
Raging Gurrl |   | Email | Homepage | 11.20.06 - 5:35 pm | #

Keith is my hero
Zeus |   | Email | 11.20.06 - 10:34 pm | #

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You're brilliant and say what needs so badly to be said.

Live long and prosper!
judylou |   | Email | 11.20.06 - 5:28 pm | #

A generic and belated thanks Keith! I have sent a few through MSNBC but who knows where they end up. Thanks for providing all of the "..at long last have you no sense of decency"moments that Bushco deserves. Thanks for providing a real alternative to the American Pravda that is Murdochs toy, and the timid, tepid excuse for news that CNN, and the other "news orgs" have evolved in to. Thanks for calling out the bullies....the Raggedy Anns, the Blowhole Reilly's and the Oxy morons who use their bully pulpits to bully those who without you would have no voice in the vast MSM wasteland. And thaanks for providing all the killer clips for me to put on my blog....that say the things I would say...if I werent so lazy and linguisticly challenged.
Keep up the good fight...because its only the 8th round and these people know how to fix a decision.
blackdaug |   | Email | Homepage | 11.20.06 - 11:13 am

Kieth Olbermann is one of the few journalists of our time whom history will judge to have exemplified the true patriotic function of the Fourth Estate - calling our government to account.
Neal Deesit |   | Email | 11.21.06 - 5:25 am | #

Sincere, well spoken, intelligent, and filled with righteous anger. Keith Olbermann is the voice of this nation right now.
zeppy |   | Email | Homepage | 11.20.06 - 11:11 pm

through Sen. Ted's tubes and into the light of day comes another smackdown to the truth-challenged, dead-not-lame duck administration. Yay Keith!
(and yay! colorado bob for calling Howie on his bs)
Colleen |   | Email | 11.21.06 - 7:37 am |

Thanks ..ormondotvos, I already did.
colorado bob | | Email | Homepage | 11.27.06 - 1:21 pm | #

Top recommended attaboy for KO on Dailykos.com

ormondotvos | | Email | Homepage | 11.27.06 - 12:28 pm | #

Thank you for speaking truth to power.
Demokat | | Email | Homepage | 11.28.06 - 9:38 pm | #

Thank you Keith for continuing to speak out! America needs your voice now more than ever. The maddness must end.
Melissa Chaple | | Email | 11.28.06 - 8:16 pm | #